Monday, January 08, 2007

Urban Legends Series Overview

Here is the series overview for the Urban Legends series that we're currently in. Please offer any suggestions for creative elements (music, video, whatever else) that fit with each theme. the best way to offer suggestions is to leave a comment so that ideas can grow and develop as others read them.

Series Goal:

The goal of this seriesis to debunk popular misunderstandings of the Christian life by looking at the truth of what the Bible teaches.

Series Theme:

Many Christ-followers have taken various Bible readings and have misunderstood them. Sometimes we have created promises that the Bible never made. Other times our misunderstandings place expectations on God that he will never be able to meet. As we discover the truth of what the Bible teaches, we will have a clearer understanding of what scripture teaches and how that truth intersects our life.

Series Snapshot:

  1. 1/7 – A Godly home guarantee Godly kids (proverbs 22:6)
  2. 1/14 – Christians should not judge (Matthew 7:1-6)
  3. 1/21 – Everything that happens, happens because God said so (Romans 8:28)
  4. 1/28 – God will never give me more than I can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13)
  5. 2/4 – Introducing people to Christ is for extroverts and theologians (Acts 8:26-ff)
Big Ideas:
  1. 1/7 - When it comes to parenting, there are no guarantees, only godly parents.
  2. 1/14 - The Bible calls Christ-followers to judge eachother wisely and lovingly.
  3. 1/21 - God doesn't cause everything, but he can use it to grow us if we let him.
  4. 1/28 - God walks with us and loves us through the painful times of life.
  5. 2/4 - I can share Christ with others just by being me.


justin said...

Matt called me yesterday and suggested the scene in Nacho Libre where he tells the kids that the bible says that they shouldn't wrestle their neighbor. thanks for the idea Matt. i've got the clip edited and ready to rock.

Anonymous said...

For when we're talking about God not causing everything...

What about the scene from Twister where the cow flying thru the air? I know it's a little whacky - but that scene made me laugh. Is God causing the cow to fly thru the air? No, but that doesn't mean God's not in control...


justin said...

great idea, Gina. we've actually got some stuff going already for that one that i didn't let everyone know about.
1. a clip from "dogma" where the woman is asking why God screwed up her plans.
2. an original video including kevin and keith anderson, both talking about how God was gonna help their football team win.

I'd love some organizational help with the video. anyone up for it?

Anonymous said...

For week 2/4 How bout
-Theologians- by Wilco